Cbt Exam Questions And Answers Pdf

  1. Cbt Exam Questions And Answers Pdf 2020
  2. Cbt Jeopardy Questions

May 09, 2019 Jamaica Primary Exit Profile (PEP) Exam Sample Papers 2020 Practice Test Questions Answers. Download free printable PDF for grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6. PEP Exam Sample Papers PEP consists of three key components, a Performance Task, an Ability Test and a Curriculum-Based Test: The Performance Task (PT) consists of real-world scenarios that will. Field-specific-competencies.pdf When you have revised all areas of competency and feel confident enough please go ahead and book your computerised test. Study Plan Please refer to the NMCV Blue Print pdf at all times for further reading (pages 35 - 61).

Below is cbt sample questions with answers
1. A nurse is assisting the doctor in obtaining history and assessment for a 16y.o patient. As the doctor interviewed the patient, the nurse noted that the patient gets anxious and seemed not to understand the doctor. What is the appropriate action of the nurse?
• During consultation, respect professional boundary, intervene only when asked
• Remain with the patient and doctor. Attempt to rephrase what the doctor said, equally engaging with the patient and doctor so as to promote trust and understanding
• Remain with the patient and the doctor. Do nothing, your presence show a non-verbal support
• Ask the patient later what he does not understand

2. According to Francis Report, Courage is:
• It is that quality made by relationships based on empathy, respect and dignity. It can also be described as intelligent kindness, and is central to how people perceive their care. (THIS IS COMPASSION)
• Defines us and our work. People receiving care expect it to be right for them, consistently, throughout every stage of their life. (THIS IS CARING)
• Means all those in caring roles must have the ability to understand an individual’s health and social needs and the expertise, clinical and technical knowledge to deliver effective care and treatments based on research and evidence (THIS IS COMPETENCE)
• Enables you to do the right thing for the people we care for, to speak up when we have concerns and to have the personal strength and vision to innovate and to embrace new ways of working (ANSWER)

3. A patient is getting opioid for pain at home. How is the controlled medication supplied to the patient as per the standards of medicine Management?

• The community nurse shows her identity card, and signs the form before the pharmacist. The Medicine is then transported separately. After received by the patient, the nurse sign in the administration chart.

• The community nurse show her identity card to the pharmacist, sign the form on receiving of the controlled drug, She then transport the drug to patient’s home, After administration of medication she sign the chart on witness of a competent person.

• The drug is collected by two registered nurses, they both sign the form and then transported the drug to the patient’s home, where the patient sign the medication chart in witness of competent person

• The controlled drug is signed by both the pharmacist and the nurse while collecting, and then it is transported to the patient’s home separately, the drug administration chart is signed by a competent person

4. What activity a nurse should do at first before giving direct care to a patient?
• Check consent
• Wash hands using the 6 steps
• Provide privacy using side curtains
• Talk to the patient

5. Facial edema is caused by what type of illness:
• Right Ventricular Failure
• Left Ventricular Failure
• Pulmonary edema

6. Which among the following is the right angle for administering a subcutaneous injection?
• 45 degrees
• 40 degrees
• 90 degrees
• 15 degrees

7. A child has swallowing problems, whom to refer?

8. Group of people in charge of facilitating skills and knowledge development of student nurses in clinical area:
• Only the nurse manager and mentor of the student
• A specially trained mentor for nursing student
• All Registered Nurses in the area
• The Charge nurse only

9. MRSA is:
• Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
• (some choices I forgot)

Cbt questions and answers

10. Patient is experiencing difficulty in eating due to ill-fitting dentures. What are the signs of denture stomatitis?
• White patches on tongue
• Red patches on cheeks and around teeth
• White patches on cheeks and around teeth
• Red patches on tongue

11. Which one is not part of Tuckman’s group formation theory?
• Forming
• Storming
• Accepting
• Norming

12. Which one in the following is not a sign of depression?
• Loss of hope
• Increase energy
• other 2 choices

13. Most common site of aneurysm:
• Circle of willis
• Abdominal Aorta
• (other choices I can’t remember)

14. Early signs of phlebitis:
• Swelling
• Edema
• Site pain and redness
• Warm and cyanotic

15. Most dangerous site for IM injection:
• Thigh
• Buttocks
• Arms
• Abdomen

16. When a risk for abuse patient in hospital, safeguarding is the responsibility of whom?
• RN
• Hospital management
• Senior nurse
• All the above

17. Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment, what are all these?
• Nursing Code
• Ethics
• 6 Cs

18. You are working in a very busy community unit, and you are supervising the feeding of residents. What is the most appropriate thing action of the nurse?
• Appoint specially trained person to assist those who have difficulties and problems in feeding
• Ask the chef to serve food that can be easily eaten
• (2 more choices)

19. One patient wants to go home against medical advice. Based on Mental Health Act the nurse is concerned about his mental competency. What is the appropriate action?
• Inform security
• Encourage patient to stay for his or her wellbeing
• Wait for the doctor
• Let him go, because no physical impairment at present that makes him at risk

20. Common medication error in a busy area:
• Poor medication storage
• Failure to document
• Failure to check right dose and identity

21. A 38 yo woman reports of vaginal bleeding 48hrs after normal vaginal delivery. What is this type of post-partum hemorrhage classified as?
• Primary
• Secondary
• Tertiary
• Post-partum age related bleeding

22. Best advice for patient taking Allopurinol:
• Drink plenty of fluids (2-3L per day)
• Daily exposure to sunlight

23. The doctor ordered antibiotics for a patient with sepsis. When should the nurse start the therapy?
• Immediately upon arrival in the ward area
• Immediately after blood culture is taken
• When sepsis is suspected
• Immediately after the receiving the blood culture result

24. Calculate fluid balance: Input 2,738, Output 750
• 1998
• 1988
• 3488

25. Sign of fluid deficit
• Bounding pulse
• Hypertension
• Hypotension
• Edema

26. Loss of speech
• Ataxia
• Dysphagia
• Aphasia
• Dyscalculia

Cbt Exam Questions And Answers Pdf 2020

27. A 45 y.o Asian female patient with mental capacity refused to consent for surgery. The family informed the doctor to go ahead of surgery despite patient’s refusal. What is the appropriate action of the nurse to protect the patient’s rights?
• Make sure the patient is well informed of the consequences of her action and is given enough time to consider the importance of surgery
• The surgeon can decide without patient’s consent
• The family has the right to decide considering their culture
• Go ahead with the surgery without the patient’s consent

28. Working in an elderly nursing unit with patients with hearing and learning disability, the nurse manager is telling you to finish morning bath for all patients before 10 am, asking you to implement task oriented approach.
• Inform the nurse manager to be realistic about the time and inform all staff about new working process.
• Inform the family and the patient
• Inform the charge nurse that this task oriented approach is not practical and it will affect the quality of giving holistic care
• Follow the instructions because the nurse manager is given deadline for the task.

29. Isolation room laundry is separated from normal soiled laundry in the UK by:
• Red plastic bag that disintegrates at high temperature
• Red linen bag that can withstand high temperatures
• White linen bag that can withstand high temperatures
• Yellow plastic bag that cannot withstand high temperatures.

30. If the patient meets medium score in MUST score, what advise you will give?
• Refer to dietician
• Make 3 days food history observation
• Weekly screening after 2 weeks
• Provide food supplements


31. Position of patient when giving eye medication:
• Supine
• Lateral
• Sitting with head tilted to the right
• Sitting with head tilted backwards and in midline position

32. For a client with Water Score >20 which mattress is the most suitable
• Fluidized Mattress
• Air Mattress
• Dynamic Mattress
• Foam Mattress

33. Loss of epidermis, with shallow blister without slough:
• Stage II Partial Thickness
• Stage 1
• Stage 3 Full thickness
• Stage 4

34. While serving food for patient’s relative, mother is telling no need to give food to her son because he will eat a lot, but her son looks so thin and malnourished. What is the appropriate action for RN?
• This is an adult neglect and abuse. Investigate the case and inform the manager
• This is child neglect and abuse. Raise safeguarding alert, inform your manager for support
• Report the case to Social Services, it is not the nurse responsibility to investigate abuse cases
• Ignore the mother and give food to the child

35. An 18 year old young adult, involved in vehicular accident refused to eat the food which she ordered. What defense mechanism is she using? (NOTE: THE CHOICES WERE STATED IN LENGHTY SENTENCES, BUT MORE OR LESS THESE ARE THE MAIN CHOICES)
• Repression
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Displacement

36. One patient shared secret information to the RN and wants her to keep it. What is the RN’s response?
• Tell her that if the information is not shared, it will disturb his care or well being
• Tell her that all information should be shared to all health care team
• All information must be kept confidential
• The RN should keep the secret as establishing trust is of important professional integrity

37. An 80 year old woman has lost her husband recently. Her brother comes to see her & finds her very upset. After 2 weeks when her brother calls her up, she says that her husband died yesterday & that she is having urgency for urination & burning sensation while passing urine & that she finds cats & rats in her kitchen. This indicates;
• She is in an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease
• UTI induced delirium
• She is psychologically upset
• She is suffering from Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

38. A Dementia patient crying in the midnight, pulling her dresses, what may be unnoticed was caused by:
• Incontinence
• Suicidal ideation
• Pain

39. When an oropharyngeal airway is inserted properly, what is the sign?
• Airway obstruction
• Retching and vomiting
• other 2 choices

40. The common cause of airway obstruction for unconscious patient in supine position:
• Foreign body
• Fall of tongue
• other 2 choices

41. Nursing care is:
• Task oriented
• Using nursing process with medical model
• Patient oriented and individualistic care
• All of the above

42. Head injury patient, GCS 15/15, next GCS should be done at what time?
• After 30 min
• After 5 min
• After 15 min
• After 1 hour

43. Which among these suggests poor leadership?
• Recognition of empathy towards team members
• Recognition and acceptance of underperformance of an individual team member
• Recognition of team leader behavior affecting the performance of team
• Recognition of how well being of team members can affect performance

44. Symptoms of anaphylactic reaction:
• Sudden, sharp hypotension
• Increase in BP
• other 2 choices

45. NMC practice hours needed for 3 years
• 35 hours
• 45 hours
• 40 hours

46. As a community nurse, your patient approached you saying that he developed some allergic reaction when he had taken the newly prescribed drug. What is the appropriate response?
• Call for help, assess the patient in ABCDE. Report using yellow card scheme. Monitor the condition until help arrives.
• Ask him stop medicine. This is the only advice you can give since the patient makes decision at home
• Call the pharmacist
• Ring the GP, remove the medication at home

47. A community health nurse, with a second year nursing students is collecting history in a home. Nurse notices that she is not at all interested in what is going around and is chatting on her phone. What is the ideal response?

48. Now the medical team encourages early ambulation in the post-operative period. Which complication is least prevented by this?
• Tissue wasting
• Thrombophlebitis
• Wound infection
• Pneumonia

49. A patient was on morphine in hospital. On discharge doctor prescribes fentanyl patches. At home patient should be observed for which signs of opiate toxicity?
• Shallow, slow respiration, drowsiness, difficulty to walk, speak and think
• Rapid, shallow respiration, drowsiness, difficulty to walk, speak and think
• Rapid wheezy respiration, drowsiness, difficulty to walk, speak and think
• Slow noisy respiration, drowsiness, difficulty to walk, speak and think

50. Contingency theory is:

51. What areas to consider when making decisions on safeguarding?
• Patient capacity, background, legal status
• Patient age, level of infirmity, environment
• What, who, when
• Type of harm, degree of harm, etc

52. A smoking cessation nurse used this to communicate to and involve her patient in his care:
• Ehealth options
• National Nursing Database
• Care core plans
• Nicotine Replacement Therapy

53. A nurse in acute care setting was not able to give the routine medication for the patient. What is the appropriate action of the nurse?
• Inform the pharmacist
• Inform the Senior nurse that the medicine was not given
• Call the GP and inform that the medicine was not given
• Record the omission on the chart and state the reason

54. Community hospital provides the following types of care:
• Rehabilitation, acute care, primary care, step-down care for patients discharged form hospital, occupational therapy
• Respite care, primary care, psychiatric services
• Rehabilitation, long-term care, step-down care for patients from acute care,

55. Which among the following is not notifiable infectious disease at national level?
• Tuberculosis
• Influenza
• Chicken pox
• Swine flu


NPower CBT Exams Past Questions 2020: The Npower recruitment past questions are available with correct answers for download, for the benefit of candidates who applied for the Npower recruitment that will be writing the Npower CBT screening Exams which will commence soon. Click here and check the Npower screening date which was announced by the Federal Government. read below in this article, Here you will have genuine information on how you can succeed in the Npower Cbt exams with the help of our past questions.

About Npower Empowerment Programme 2021

Through the Npower scheme, the Nigerian government provides 300,000 youth jobs per year. Your chance to get employed for the NPower Program, however, depends on passing the test. Get past NPower questions and answers NOW to pass the CBT exam and get Npower jobs by 2021.

Apart from the students, the number of young people who have not attended tertiary institutions is also teeming. Aljazeera estimated in 2019 that 55.4 percent of Nigerians aged 15 to 35 are unemployed. The Nigerian government has launched the NPower Programme to reduce this number. Since this initiative aims to educate Nigerian youth with sealable skills, monthly stipends are also paid. Npower will pay you the stipends for a period of between 3 months and 2 years, depending on your field of interest.

Since the Nigerian government wants to attract the right applicants, therefore, they have to screen them. For Nigerian youth, the Npower system is not a right, but a career for which you will work hard. If you really desire to benefit from the recruitment of NPower in 2021, you have to work hard for that. Before the CBT exam, you will have to get our NPower past questions and answers from us to start training. Let’s show you why past questions on the NPower test will strengthen your application From.

Why Should Need the 2021 Updated Npower Exams Past Questions?

The basic reason you need to pass the NPower Test Past Questions and Answers is to pass the CBT test and get Npower jobs. In the past Npower recruitment both batch A and B, we helped countless numbers of candidates submit their online application which is typically very difficult to register and also helped most of them write the online CBT test and around 85 percent were positive because Npower repeated nearly 90 percent of past exam questions which made it so easy for us. Because of this close association with Npower-related exams, we now have in our database all of the Npower real-time exams from past questions. Therefore candidates who will hold onto this our past Npower questions papers and answers will have a real advantage over others. (Remember that the questions are usually extensively repeated in their screening exams)

Format of Npower Past Exams / Screening Test

Understanding the format of Npower exams/screening test is the very first step to success in the exams, here we will give you an idea of the exam format to get you well educated before you get past questions and answers to the Npower exams 2021.

NPower Batch C 2021 Exams Format

The NPower 2021 batch C recruitment Exams will be conducted on computer-based (CBT). The Npower System (NPower Teach, NPower Health, NPower Agro, and NPower Tax) test questions are based on the use of English and current affairs. The concerns about the current affair are both local and foreign. However, in some cases, you may get some questions about mathematics. Keep in mind that the questions are auto-generated, so they may differ by form.

Samples of Npower Exams Past Question and Answers (Free Examples

We are giving free 15 sample questions are given below, the full PDF material has about 200 questions and answers, we encourage you to download a PDF file to access all of Npower ‘s past questions as this batch C exam questions will be picked randomly from there.

1). a Nonagon is a shape that has how many sides?

A. 4, B. 6, C. 8, D. 9

2) We have different tiers of government politically, which one is the closest to the citizens?

A. The state government, B. Traditional ruler, C. Local government, D. Ward government

Cbt Jeopardy Questions

3). What is the probability of having an odd number in a single toss of a fair die?

A. 1/6, B. 1/3, C. ½, D. 2/3

4). Which of the following represents a truly democratic society?

  • A. Ensuring protection of life and property
  • B. follows the principles of equality, freedom, and justice
  • C. Provide equal education for all
  • D. All of the above

5) A teacher is expected to do all of the following except?

  • A. Help pupils to solve their academic problems through teaching
  • B. Participate in politics
  • C. Join in community service
  • D. Organize schools academic club and other schools affairs

6) If 2x : (x+1) = 3:2, find the value of x?

A. 1½, B. 3, C. ½, D. 1

7. In agriculture, what is the first discovered bacterial disease of plants?

A. Fire blight, B. Chestnut blight, C. Downy mildew, D. Late blight

8. Emeka shouldn’t have interrupted the teacher, _______?

A. can he, B. didn’t he, C. shouldn’t he, D. should he

9. A computer hard disk is divided into tracks that are further subdivided into?


A. clusters, B. vectors, C. sectors, D. None of the above

10. When was the National Health Insurance Scheme created in Nigeria?

A. 1995, B. 1999, C. 1987, D. 2004

11. A time-bound testing program for students should be implemented in Schools so that?

  • A. A regular practice can be carried outA regular practice can be carried out
  • B. The students can be trained for final examinations
  • C. The remedial program can be adopted on the basis of the feedback from the results
  • D. The progress of the students should be informed to their parents

12. A shopkeeper purchased 200 bulbs for N10 each. However, 5 bulbs were fused and had to be thrown away. The remaining were sold at N12 each. What will be the percentage of profit?

A. 12, B. 14, C. 44, D. 17

13. By selling a water heater for N3200, the shopkeeper incurs a loss of 20%. If he wants to earn a profit of 20%, at what price should he sell the water heater?

A. 4800, B. 4300, C. 5000, D. 6200

14. The smallest number which when diminished by 3 is divisible by 21, 28,36, and 45 is?

A. 1260, B. 423, C. 1257, D. 1263

15. A cone, hemisphere, and a cylinder stand on the same base and have the same height. The ratio of the volumes is?

A. 1:2:3, B. 2:1:3, C. 3:2:1, D. 2:3:1

How to Get the NPower CBT Past Questions and Answers

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Past questions and answers for the NPower recruitment test cost about 2,000 1,000 (only one thousand naira).

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Cbt Exam Questions And Answers Pdf

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